Friday, November 12, 2010

Reading List for November 1-12

Hello, blog readers! Sorry I've been so delinquent in my blogging this week. You'd think that with a four-day weekend, I'd have plenty of time to write, but somehow the days keep getting away from me.

Thankfully this holiday weekend has been filled with lots of meals with friends: dinner at Sushi Aka on Thursday, lunch at Amici's yesterday then dinner with my cousin Brad & his wife Heidi (yummy asparagus & shrimp risotto topped with fresh parsley & sliced cherry tomatoes), dinner with Randy & Kim today, and lunch with Kirk & Mary after church tomorrow. Whew!

Since I was traveling, I missed last week's reading list, so here are a few articles of interest from the past 10-12 days. Enjoy!

1. "The food-mood connection" from the LATimes
"Particular foods have been shown to boost the production of these neurotransmitters but usually not by enough to make a perceptible difference in the brain. In fact, science has shot down most of the food-mood links accepted as conventional wisdom and perpetuated by self-proclaimed nutrition experts. ... Still, people have an insatiable craving to believe that eating certain things will boost mental focus, attitude or energy. And believing may just be the best shot at a food-mood connection."
Gotta love the sensationalist headline, but there's some truth to the story.

My cousin-in-law Jenna starts every morning with a handful of almonds and a probiotic.

5. Attention, Ladies: Are we running out of chocolate?
- "Chocolate: Worth its weight in gold" from the Independent (UK)

6. Just for fun: "Carl Warner's Edible Landscapes" from NPR

7. Following up on my earlier post about salt/sodium ...
- "Is 1,500 mg of sodium a realistic goal?" from The Checkup blog on

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