Monday, May 24, 2010

Superfoods: Salmon, Broccoli, & Sweet Potato

Technically there's no such thing as a "superfood." Scientists and dietitians have never agreed on a list of such foods, and some even claim that the designation is
just a marketing ploy. The British have gone so far as to actually ban the term.

But there are a few foods that often get nominated as superfoods, such as blueberries, spinach, carrots, brown rice, yogurt, olive oil, green tea, and avocados. And there are some that seem to make everybody's list of the best foods to eat or foods to eat most frequently, such as salmon, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, all three of which I happen to love.

This past winter, during a week that my husband Topher was traveling for work, I decided to see if I could find a recipe that incorporated all three ingredients. Sure enough, Real Simple has a recipe for Salmon, Sweet Potato, and Broccoli Chowder. I won't copy the recipe here, but I will say that it was delicious. The only step that took a little time was getting the skin off the salmon (since I didn't buy a skinless fillet). It's good right after you make it, but I think it might be even better the second day, after the flavors have had some time to meld.

Last night I decided to go back to the basics and made baked salmon, baked sweet potatoes (served with butter & brown sugar), and steamed broccoli. A colorful plate that goes well with a glass of white wine.

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